Ordinal Pringles
My best and largest project. A spiritual successor to Ordinal Markup. Actively developed.
My second and best attempt (excluding Pringles) at making a non-TMT game. Incomplete but not too short. May be remade in the future.
Flame Tree
My third and largest TMT mod. Incomplete but not too short.
The Grind
A simple and short joke game, complete with a speedrun timer. Complete.
A simple game where a circle grows by 1% every second, filling a higher Circle by 1% upon reaching 100%. Complete.
The Inflation Tree
My first ever TMT mod. Short, technically complete.
An attempt at building an incredibly deep game gone astray. Short, incomplete, and buggy. May be remade in the future.
My first attempt at making a non-TMT game. Incomplete, short, and potentially buggy.
Operation: Satisfaction
A simple prototype with numbers going up. Complete.
Conway's Incremental
Despite its name, it has no incremental features. A simple recreation of Conway's Game of Life.
gwa card game
An attempt at making a card-collecting game that never went anywhere. Massively incomplete.
The Grind 2
A game with infinite generators that produce infinite numbers. Complete.
My second programming language, made in C#. Simple, but not very feature complete.
My first programming language, made in Python. Very buggy.
Synergism Plus
A tool for modding Synergism. Very outdated.
An incomplete and outdated website cataloging all the gwas.
Social Credit Incremental
Stupid joke "game" made in an hour. Low volume recommended.
The Oil Tree
A very bad TMT mod that I ran out of ideas for. Very short.
Jacorb, for being an inspiration for this very site and letting me use some of his CSS for it.
ThePaperPilot, for teaching me Git and helping me along my JS journey.
downvoid, for helping me fix a lot of bugs in a lot of projects, promoting my projects, and providing a lot of help with Ordinal Pringles.
yhvr, for being an inspiration for me and a good friend.
ryanleonels, for helping me out a lot with Ordinal Pringles and providing immense amounts of feedback.
sw_creeperking, for coaching me through creating Sea and learning C#.
TheMkeyHolder, for helping me a lot with my TMT mods and providing basic background for making Ordinal Pringles.
randomtuba, for providing tons of ideas and inspiration for Ordinal Pringles.
All of my Pringles Testers, for providing so much feedback for Ordinal Pringles and helping me through balancing and fixing bugs.
Everyone in Meta Studio. Everyone within Meta Studio has helped me in one way or another. Without you all none of this would exist today.
Everyone else who has helped me along the way. If you want your name here, just DM me and I'll add it!